What Is Turnkey Real Estate? Definition Of Passive Turn Key Real Estate Investing

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Hello there, Mike Wolf is here again, coming to you from Valencia, Spain. Today, I want to discuss the meaning of turnkey property, but first of all, I want to say there are two different types of investors. Some investors want to be on the frontlines and in the trenches, looking for deals, finding sellers and buyers, raising money, and all that stuff.


Is It Possible To Become A Millionaire With Real Estate MUST WATCH!!!

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Hey everyone! Mike Wolf is, here again, the founder of mikewolfmastery.com. Today, I’m in Eastern Europe, Tallinn, Estonia to be precise. The question that people ask me on a regular basis is that “is it possible to become a millionaire from real estate?” The answer is capital yes, it is possible. A lot of the wealthiest people on the planet today have become wealthy either from real estate or they later invested in real estate to keep their wealth. However, a more significant question is, how can I create a lifestyle of freedom? That’s a way better question than how can I become a millionaire.
